A box of altered postcards by Amaranth Borsuk, James Claffey, Robert Fitterman, Megan M. Garr, Dawn Gettler, Jen Hofer, Jane Huffman, Jackie Kari, Dorothea Lasky, Cyriaco Lopes, Rachel Marston, Shena McAuliffe, Melody Owen, Carlos Soto Román, David Ruhlman, Abraham Smith, Meg Tuite, Spring Ulmer, & Terri Witek. 22 postcards in box, edition of 250, $25

Making no previous contact, the editors of Dispatches from Abandoned Architecture sent postcards and a SASE to many of the most exciting artists and writers working today. The included invitation was simple: remake this postcard in some way and send it back to us. The cards that were returned were then scanned and reprinted as new postcards. The result is an anthology like no other!
See a short excerpt from Dispatches from Abandoned Architecture at A Bad Penny Review.