Preview (For a Future Catalog)

An anthology of brochures for impossible publications by M. NourbeSe Philip, Christian Bök, Lily Hoang, Bradley Bazzle, and CAConrad, $7
An anthology of brochures for impossible publications by M. NourbeSe Philip, Christian Bök, Lily Hoang, Bradley Bazzle, and CAConrad, $7
A box of altered postcards by Amaranth Borsuk, James Claffey, Robert Fitterman, Megan M. Garr, Dawn Gettler, Jen Hofer, Jane Huffman, Jackie Kari, Dorothea Lasky, Cyriaco Lopes, Rachel Marston, Shena McAuliffe, Melody Owen, Carlos Soto Román, David Ruhlman, Abraham Smith, Meg Tuite, Spring Ulmer, & Terri Witek. $25
A box of visual poetry from mIEKAL aND, Derek Beaulieu, Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Kelly Connor, Maria Damon, Richard Kraft, Edward Kulemin, Stephen Nelson, Andrew Topel, Helen White, & Nico Vassilakis. $25
A book of 28 postcards, $12